The European Membrane House is the one stop shop for support to membrane R&D&I in Europe.

EMH is a non profit making international association set up in 2008. It has 3 main missions. The members of its team promote membrane technologies. They also share information, stay in touch, and make new people meet to start collaborations: networking is the key! And last but not least, EMH provides help in setting up European research projects. All 3 missions are carried out in close contact with the European Membrane Society.

Promoting membrane technologies

Membrane systems are available in several different forms and sizes, each fitting a particular need and application.
So membrane technologies have a wide range of applications in industrial sectors. The beverage, food, pharmaceutical, chemical and textile industry all use membrane systems. Membrane separation techniques provide effective and lasting solutions for water supply and treatment, which makes them relevant to help solve environmentall issues.

So EMH promotes membrane technologies by co-organizing events devoted to membranes’ latest technological developments.The EMH executive director also gives talks and participates in the strategic advisory boards of international conferences and projects.

  • EMH is an active member of the European Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform, (WssTP) and of the European Technology platform for sustainable chemistry (SUSCHEM).
  • EMH participates in nano4water.
  • EMH has strongly supported the creation of the EM3E Erasmus Mundus Master on membrane engineering and the EUDIME Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Membrane Engineering.
  • EMH coordinated the MEM’P project, funded by the French Ministry for Industry, and was then involved in the FILIMEM project, which aimed to create a cluster of 40 French SMEs working on membrane technologies.

Go to “Promoting membrane technologies” for a full overview of the membrane events we’ve been involved in.



You don't know where to start when looking for European and international partners? We're here to help. EMH team has developed over the years a valuable network of membrane key players all over Europe, in academia and industry: there is now a real European membrane community out there. EMH has also developed strong links with membrane teams in other world regions. So we’ll find the international business partners you need and help you develop new professional contacts. We’ll make sure that opportunities are not lost. Chart the course for your success in Europe: get in touch with us now.


Setting up European research projects

EMH’s executive director helps you define and improve your project’s structure and workplan. He brings in partners, ideas and his knowledge of current trends. He helps you draft application forms and makes sure the right partners are enroled in the project. His skills come straight from extensive hands-on experience of European projects management and coordination: he coordinated the NanoMemPro Network of Excellence (funded by FP6 for 4 years) and the MemBridge project (funded by FP7 for 2 years). So if you’re thinking of participating in the European Commission's HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme for Research, Development and Innovation, don’t hesitate to ask for his acute analysis of your project.

On top of its missions, EMH offers paying services, within the framework of European research projects.